
Topics related to counseling.

What are the signs of anger (and why are they important)?


Knowing what it is like to be angry is one of the first and most important steps into helping us better manage it. To best understand our experience of anger we have broken down the emotion into symptoms (things we experience internally) and signs (things other people can see). Signs can be a wide range [...]

What are the signs of anger (and why are they important)?2019-03-21T18:16:50+00:00

What are the symptoms of anger (and why are they important)?


Understanding and better managing our anger requires us to first recognize that there are various grades of anger, from minor irritation to stuff breaking mad. When we understand this and accept that there is a common pattern to our anger we can begin to get out in front of it instead of falling behind and [...]

What are the symptoms of anger (and why are they important)?2019-03-14T20:41:35+00:00

Why do I feel angry about everything? Tic Tac Mad!!!


Anger can cause us all sorts of problems, whether it's broken stuff or damage to our relationships. We can react to anger in all sorts of ways that cause us to have to apologize over and over for the things we say or do, apologies that over time start to mean less and less. Anger [...]

Why do I feel angry about everything? Tic Tac Mad!!!2019-03-06T23:12:40+00:00

Not an Angry Post


Anger is an emotion that everyone can relate to, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who has never experienced it. Being that anger is in such bountiful supply, we tend, for some reason, to find more acceptable it rather than other emotions. Watch someone respond when they feel they have been wronged while [...]

Not an Angry Post2019-02-20T22:30:58+00:00
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