App: Daylio

Platform: Android and Apple


Cost: Free ($5.99 for full features, or wait a few days and the app will offer you a discount price of $2.99).

What is it?

Daylio is an app which allows you to record your mood and other daily events, which allows you to look back and more accurately gauge how you have been feeling and what behaviors or activities are associated with those moods. It is customizable in that it allows you to add additional moods and activities as well as set personal goals. Mood tracking can be set from once to multiple times a day to get a more detailed reading of your mood over time. Completing your mood log takes approximately 15 seconds, longer if you decide to decide to create a note entry.

Why do we recommend it?

First, once you have completed your mood log over a few weeks you can start to look back and see what moods are associated with what activities. For example, someone might notice that on days they procrastinate, their mood might not be as good as on days where there is less procrastination (guilty!). This helps us see that a behavior like procrastinating, while serving a purpose at the time, can actually overall negatively impact our mood. This allows us to notice a trend, then start to do something about it!

Second, our emotions are notorious for impacting the way we see things. If we are feeling down, we might tell ourselves something like, “I always feel bad.” This is a lot easier to believe if you do not have any information on the contrary, Daylio to the rescue! Our own history can help us see that no emotion is permanent and that though it feels bad at the time, it will inevitably change or we can do something to help that change come along more quickly.

Third, the app is very easy to use, cheap, and takes almost no time at all to complete daily. It provides the benefit of encouraging us to actively think about our mood which we may otherwise routinely fail to recognize, until it is distressing. This awareness allows us to look at ourselves and be proactive in addressing mood related concerns.

Onward Counseling Center is in no way affiliated with Daylio or its creators. We just think its a great tool for anyone who is looking to better understand themselves and may be useful in potentially helping identify and solve mood related issues.